5K Color Run
This event is just around the corner! Our 1st annual 5K Color Run, benefiting the Wilon Theartre and the Boy & Girls Club of the Mini-Cassia area! Each runner, walker, hopskip or jumper will reveice a Color Run T-shirt, gummy bracelet, face tattoo (wash off) and color packet to toss to start the race! The run will begin at 9:30 am August 11th in front of the Theatre! We are hoping the Fire Department Volunteers will also shower us with extra chalk. The Chalk is bassically corn starch and baking soda, if you were wondering. Depending on the amount of participants we have will determine how many color stations there are, so get signed up and bring your friends! After the run the Fire Department will be there to hose you off with water or air, its up to you. Be sure to hang around because we do have prizes to give away, in a drawing, that every particapant get to enter! We have movie passes, family swim passes, gift cards and a $100 gift certificate for shoes from Idaho Water Sports and more!!!! Don't miss this event, even if you don't run, you'll still have fun! Resister at www.ruperttheatre.com